Mossa Barandao Speaking with a young reader Greetings Dear Visitor:

The fundamental issue of the human life and for the human creatures is that of Happiness. What is it? How is it attained? And how is it sustained?

This, my friend, has been the perplexing quest of many that I have had the pleasure of meeting and studying. From the great thinkers of ancient African Civilizations; to the Greek Philosophers; to the Hebrew Theologians and to the financial gurus of our today, this issue -of human happiness, continue to be sought after at length. Remarkably, this quest persists, as many of us are thrown into the daily "rat race" of worldly possessions. In this rat race, we hope to catch a glimpse of the ever elusive sense of happiness.

My education is not of college of letters, but of my keen ability to study my environment, combined with an empirical appreciation for my fellow human beings and an optimistic perspective on the here and now; all this, has enabled me to carve a purposeful existence. Living through this pragmatic approach, I have realized that there exists an ancient and elementary truth to life. This truth (which many of us seem to be unaware of), is that the human creature is the proverbial fundamental glue that interconnects our world.

As the intellectual animate creatures within our environment, human beings are squarely placed at the center of such environment. All conscious beings will notice that unless their animate selves interact with their surrounding –much of which is inanimate, many time such surrounding remains in a state of inertia. This is a reality that is true of our material world, as it is true of the things we see, hear, smell, touch or read.

Ponder on this for a moment, these words I have written –and that you are reading now, are meaningless; that is until the animate you, interacts with them - an interaction that occurs through reading, comprehending and then reflecting upon them. At the moment of reflection, you the animate being, have animated –or given meaning to- my written words (even if my intended meaning is misrepresented in the end).

This is a realization that sets precedence in one’s way of seeing; thus, enabling a living of a purposeful life – or more correctly, a happy life.

With the preceding core tenet as my argument in Demystification of Social Systems, Spiritualization of the God Within, I also discuss at length much of those social systems which attempt to maintain a firm grip of suppression on the human potential. And rightly so, in the absence of the aforementioned realization, these social systems -as they exist in many forms, will step-in and fill the void.

The book is now available. I trust that your visit here today affords you the opportunity to further explore my thoughts and ideas as they are presented in the book; and of course, purchase your copy. Simply click here >>TO MAKE A PURCHASE".

Thank you for your visit, Godspeed!